We want to provide a voice.


Our Vision

The New Neighbor Project is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization supporting education and our immigrants neighbors through donation-based ESL and citizenship classes, as well as citizenship application assistance and scholarship opportunities to help provide a holistic pathway to citizenship for people in our community.

“As an ESL teacher and an advocate for immigrants for over 25 years, I understand what it takes to provide a pathway to citizenship for our neighbors. And as a single parent, I also know the financial struggles that can prohibit a family from reaching their full potential in our country.”

Amy Dudgeon
Executive Director

What We Do

  • ESL Classes

    We offer Beginner and Intermediate ESL classes both online and in person in various library locations in New Orleans. We accept students on a rolling basis, which means you can drop in our classes at almost anytime during the semester. By filling out an application, you can choose which class you think works best for your English level. Classes are completely free.

  • Citizenship Classes

    Our 12 week online citizenship course takes you through step by step of the citizenship application process. In collaboration with USA LEARNS, we provide the tools you need to take the exam and to be prepared for your citizenship interview. Through exam study, mock interviews and application assistance, we help you feel more comfortable navigating the citizenship process.

  • HiSET ExamPrep

    Our online HISET prep class offers students a way to prepare for the HiSET exam in order to pursue their dreams to attend college. The classes are currently offered in Spanish as a way to help Spanish speakers take the exam in Spanish. Our tutors offer assistance with the test application, questions on the exam and other information about the test taking process.

Meet the Team

Amy Dudgeon

Executive Director, NNP Founder

Amy Dudgeon has been involved with helping immigrants and refugees for almost 30 years in Kentucky and New Orleans. She has a Juris Doctorate from the University of Louisville with a focus on Immigration Law and has worked with several refugee resettlement agencies across the country. She has taught 1000’s of refugees and immigrants since 1995 and founded the New Neighbor Project in 2021. She is currently serving as Executive Director.

Susan Roesgen

Board Member

Kimmie Tubre

Board Member

Susan Roesgen is a television and radio journalist with experience as a CNN Correspondent based in New Orleans and Chicago, co-hosting an international broadcast from the headquarters of National Geographic in Washington, D.C. , and freelance reporting for National Public Radio. In 2012, Susan began volunteering as an ESL teacher for Associated Catholic Charities in New Orleans and later for the Hispanic Resource Center in Kenner. She is a certified ESL teacher who loves inspiring her students to become fully fluent in English so they can become fully part of the American dream.

Rebecca Sell

Board Member

Rebecca Sell is an English teacher and marketing professional currently based in Chile. Her diverse background includes projects with SIFAIS, a foundation that provides educational and social support to immigrants in the La Carpio neighborhood of San Jose, Costa Rica; affiliations with Loyola and Tulane Universities as a mentor and guest lecturer; volunteering as an English teacher for Catholic Charities New Orleans; and much more.

Kimmie Tubre is a freelance writer, educator, and published author from New Orleans, Louisiana. After years of working in print journalism, she moved to Prague, Czechia, to pursue a career in education. Kimmie has taught English abroad, ESL at Delgado Community College, and Intensive English at The University of New Orleans. Today, Kimmie works as an Adult Education Instructor and is an active member of the NOABJ (New Orleans Association of Black Journalists) and PCNO (Press Club of New Orleans). While she has written for several publications over the years, her most notable articles are published in Where Y’at Magazine New Orleans. 

Get in Touch


335 Vallette Street, New Orleans, LA

(504) 475-4658

In the News

“I like taking classes at the library. They help me check out books for me and my children. I want to read to them in English.”

~ Hasan M

“I am learning how to take the HISET test because I want to go to college. I have a college degree from my country and I need to continue my education here”

~ Maria M

“The citizenship class has given me the confidence I need to take the test. It is my dream to become a citizen.”

~ Marcella